Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NaPoWriMo 30th Day! WOO!!!

Prompt: \m/ my love of Metal \m/

Bea it night or a sunless day
Hidden under the covers, lead astray
Into the blackest shroud of Earth's wool
My heart will stay.

Frenzied, cacophony of lengthened metal
Staccato stricken wood to mete all
With dulcet tones of droppend scale
I will be faithful.

Monday, April 29, 2013

NaPoWriMo 29th Day

Prompt: once loved

Never kind
Never behind
Never aligned

Sunday, April 28, 2013

NaPoWriMo 28th Day

I told you I would find you.
Now I'm not so sure.
Would come back and bind you.
But I'm fighting your allure.

I loved you, when I told you.
My feelings weren't so pure.
When I'm done, I'll find you.
Now I'm not so sure.

NaPoWriMo 27th Day

  M            o            H         o
   s              o         s                
               s      M          h               S
m           S           h   M               m
                 M   o  S   H    
 M          O      s      h          
                 h         S    M                h
   H                  o

             m           s           H

Thursday, April 25, 2013

NaPoWriMo 25th Day

There was never a time when I didn't think about
you. There was just time in between those times.
As a child I was allowed to be close to you. We
shared our dreams in play, but I wanted to share
our beautiful baby's dreams too. She was ours
then, secretly. She was her mother's. She was and
is her own. And she is yours, with you forever.
In that you are lucky. Even though I was a child
I promised to watch out for you, and you promised
to watch out for her. You did. It was my most
heartfelt promise. I didn't. I never forgot, but
I couldn't ever find you outside of me. And you
promised me you didn't need it anyway. You were
right. But maybe, maybe I needed you instead like
she does.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

NaPoWriMo 24th Day!!!

Death! Destruction! Chaos! Creation!
Ever beginning! Never ending!
Destruction! Chaos! Creation! Death!
Tearing! Ripping! Scoring! Rending!
Chaos! Creation! Death! Destruction!
Fighting into vast reentry!
Creation! Death! Destruction! Chaos!
Forming of a cosmic ending!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

NaPoWriMo 23rd Day

Prompt: a triolet (ABaAabAB)

I will be with you in time,
Within the darkest of night.
Feeding this fire of mine,
I will be with you in time.
In haste, our bodies align
Screaming with all of our might.
I will be with you in time,
Within the darkest of night.

Monday, April 22, 2013

NaPoWriMo 22nd Day

From the first time I saw you until the day you left us, I loved you.
There was magic gliding across the stage of your past and future.
You were young, but I was even younger at the time.
It didn't matter. You were my Man from that moment on.

I spent hours listening to your strong, clear voice.
You were never afraid to say what you wanted to say.
At least not once you were out of childhood and embracing your freedom.
You never really felt free though, I read in your poems over and over again.

I memorized your history and watched you make History.
In my castle, you weren't just my King, you were my friend.
I never believed the damnation of Neverland. You were an innocent too.
"They don't care about us!" you cried. I agreed. I cared.

With all the new talent of the world,
Despite the tarnation of your name,
Dangerous as the thought may be,
I never can say good-bye.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

NaPoWriMo 21st Day

Whatever you want
I will give you
When the time has come
I will spend you

Whenever you want me
I will be here
Whenever you need me
I won't stand clear

Do let me feel
We aren't done
Do with me what you will
An' harm, some

Saturday, April 20, 2013

NaPoWriMo 20th Day

You kill me.
Everything you do kills me.
All I think about you kills me.
Hell yeah, you kill me!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013


Rain falls around my body
Against the wind I stand
Inside my energy courses erratically
Night begins to land
Beneath the sky is carefree
Only air in hand
With you unplanned

NaPoWriMo 19th Day

I moved to get away from great distractions,
From focus-breaking, time-wasting interactions.
I saved my body from internal destruction,
From sickly shell to motion-activated function.
I freed myself from judgement ridden fashion,
From others' fear and jealousy driven passion.
I made my way from Hell into my own,
For endless guys' attention, I bemoan.

Although, really, this is nothing new,
I would rather have many than few.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

NaPoWriMo 18th Day

How do you project the life you see?
Your voice is so clear and hard.

I am surprised by the softness in your eyes.
They are like sharp, brilliant faceted stones.

You tell all of the terror of adulthood.
Yet, you still keep your child-like smile.

What little time we all had together that night...
It lasted for hours.

In so many ways you fascinate me.
In so many ways you inspire me.

But I can never be who you are.
I can never be like you are.

Always, I am myself.
I will have to find my own way.

I am quite certain you understand.
You do understand, don't you?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

NaPoWriMo 17th Day

Prompt: personifying death

It is of no great consequence to me.
Time does not exist.
I can go wherever I am needed.

I can love you.
I can hate you.
I could care less to bother with emotion.

My body isn't a body.
You might never see me.
Then again, you might see me everywhere.

Ominous music does not precede me.
Silence is not golden or a virtue.
If there are ears present, something will be heard.

Female or male.
Old or young.
Your time will be when my time is.

I hear you aging.
I can see your breath.
Such is my life as Death.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

NaPoWriMo 16th Day

You seemed so surprised when I asked you your name.
I was shocking myself by speaking to you.
I knew you were resting between sets, but it was my only chance to see who you really were.
You were so good-looking, it killed me.

I watched you as you walked up to the stage.
You played the one instrument I never would have guessed.
You told me only one side was really heavy, and it wasn't really that bad.
I couldn't help but compliment you on your strength.

You wore a black fedora and a button-up black shirt.
I never thought I would be attracted to that style.
I liked when you got too hot to wear either one, and cast them off the side of the stage.
You had such nice arms under those slick, shiny curls.

I wanted to tell you the effect you had on me.
You smiled and looked away when I spoke to you.
You touched me once while walking by, and I wanted to touch you back.
I really do think you cast a spell on me.

I'm afraid that when I even think about you,
You know.

Monday, April 15, 2013

NaPoWriMo 15th Day

Prompt: boys

I have many problems.

They come in all shapes and sizes,
All strengths and weaknesses,
All successes and failures.
They invade my thoughts at all times.

They overtake my everything,
Every daydream, every night dream,
Every focused thought.
They will not leave me alone.

They ambush my imagination,
Imagining the time we had,
Imagining what we will have.
They permeate my life.

I have many problems.

I love solving problems.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

NaPoWriMo 14th Day

I am tethered to you by strings of energy.
Past everyone else, they snake through.
If I want you, I can just pull them gently.
You cannot help but follow anew.

Once plaited, they cannot be broken.
Everyday I am connected to you.
No need for mass words to be spoken.
Our secrets play just between two.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

NaPoWriMo 13th Day

Your sub-conscious spoke to me.
I think it's lying.
A tension breaking free.
I think it's lying.
Baiting me with glee.
I think it's lying.
Wanting me to see.
I think it's lying.

It overstepped a boundary.
Fuck it, I thought warily.
It's just your spiteful brash envy.
Yeah, I think it's lying.

Friday, April 12, 2013

NaPoWriMo 12th Day

Prompt: popularity

Sitting quietly
Watching everything
Rarely speaking
With myself

Sitting upright
Watching everyone
Sometimes speaking
With others

Sitting attentively
Watching manners
Always speaking
With confidence

Sitting closer
Watching intently
Speaking carefully
With me

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NaPoWriMo 11th Day

Prompt: Write a tanka, 5-7-5-7-7 pattern

The symposium,
where indians go to meet,
visiting nations,
shake hands and greet each other,
who are you related to?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

NaPoWriMo 10th Day

Prompt: Un-love Poem

I l o v e d you. I l o v e d you.
I l o v e    you.       v e d you.
I l o v       you.          e d you.
I l o          you.       v e d you.
I l             you.    o v e d you.
I               you.  a o t h e you.
I h            you.     a t e d you.
I h a         you.        t e d you.
I h a t       you.          e d you.
I h a t e    you.        t e d you.
I h a t e d you. I h a t e d you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

NaPoWriMo 9th Day

Prompt: curiousity

I am curious to know, well to a degree


and How?

and Where?

and When?

not always Who?, but sometimes

and you provide the What?

because I never want to know that.

Monday, April 8, 2013

NaPoWriMo 8th Day

Prompt: Oklahoma

I don't want to hate you, but I do.
I feel like I do.

All I see is the pain of you living.
The pain you cause others to live.
The hurt of your upbringing.
The reason you exist.
You shouldn't exist.

All I see is the judgements you harbor.
The arrogance you breed.
The injustice you thrive in.
The lies you tell everyone.
You shouldn't lie.

All I see is the hell you have become.
The prison you keep.
The manipulations you use.
The people you kill.
You shouldn't kill.

I don't want to hate you, but I do.
I really feel like I do.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

NaPoWriMo 7th Day

Prompt: scared

Spirits follow you, you told me
They follow you like they do your mother
She told you not to be scared
In turn, you told me not to be scared
I wasn't scared since I was with you
I trusted you completely
But the cats wouldn't leave the room
They walked to the doorway, looked, then sat down just inside the threshold
They watched me walk to the door
I felt like I couldn't go through either, so I sat back down beside you
I liked when you put your arm around me
You told me it would be okay
Just wait and they will leave when they are ready
It wasn't out of fondness, just familiarity
They had to get familiar with me too
Then they moved away and let me through

Saturday, April 6, 2013

NaPoWriMo 6th Day

Prompt: Time

My time is not constrained to your time.

My time begins when my day begins.
My day begins when I wake up.
I wake up when I start.
I start when I go.
I go because I'm not ready to stop.
To stop is not how I want to end.
I want to end when I'm finished.
I'm finished when my time stops.
My time stops when my day ends.
My day ends when I go to sleep.

My time is not constrained to your time.

Friday, April 5, 2013

NaPoWriMo 5th Day

Prompt: the city of your final destination

We won't see the city of your final destination.
You beat us there.
We might all end up in the same city, eventually.
But, you beat us there.
Get settled in and wait for us, please.
Since, you beat us there.
I know it's better than where we were.
Because you beat us there.

I wish I couldn't understand.
I tried to set the pace before.
I wish you hadn't beat us there.
                       We miss you.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

NaPoWriMo 4th Day

Prompt: My castle

I don't know how to write about you.
I never shared you with anyone really.
You were always in my dreams; You are still in my dreams.
My daydreams anyway.

I used to run through you all the time,
Weaving in and out of your tall stone columns.
I always felt like you watched me out of amusement.
Your dark gray walls keeping me safe inside with love.

There was always a boy.
He had strikingly green eyes.
His hair was short, spiky, and wild.
You let him chase me past the stairs every time.

I never knew who he was; it wasn't important.
I was never afraid of you or him.
I loved being chased and playing in your halls.
He seemed to love me like you do.

Now I mostly sit in your library.
It has grown grander every year.
It is warm in a different way from outside its wooden doors.
Its not just the fireplace, and it might be your heart.

I used to think your heart was the four-poster bed.
The purple velvet curtains hugged us tightly.
I always sunk down into the feather mattress with multiple pillows.
I bet it was just your hands holding me as if I were a small delicate creature.

Even your gardens were enclosed within you.
I never got lost in the hedge maze.
I would stop to look behind me, to see if you were still following.
Then I would laugh and run on.

You had the most amazing fountains.
They sparkled and lit up as if they were flowing with crystals.
They flowed magick like you do.
It was never-ending; The source was unknown.

I don't ever want to leave you.
You will never abandon me.
I will keep searching until I find you; I didn't create you.
We've grown together, and we continue to grow.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

NaPoWriMo 3rd Day

Prompt: An old friend

How long have you thought about me?
          You put this idea in my head.

How long have you watched me?
          I'm curiously watching you.

How much do you think about me?
          You creep into my thoughts.

How much do you want me?
          I kinda want you too.

How will you get here?
          You don't have much money.

How can I help you?
          I don't have much either.

How will this happen?
          You don't seem too worried.

How will this end?
          I..... hmmm..... don't know.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

NaPoWriMo 2nd Day

Prompt: Lies or Lying

What you will get:

     a home
     free range
     clean water
     free school
     oil rights
     ownership rights
     tribal recognition
     freedom of culture
     family togetherness
     your own government
     your own voice
     your own identity

What you got:

     Are you of Alaskan/American Indian descent?
     Yes or No

Monday, April 1, 2013

NaPoWriMo 1st Day

Prompt: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Hot and sticky against my skin
Droplets of sweat sliding down your neck
Unable to catch even the slightest breath, no hint of a refreshing lukewarm breeze.

Shall I compare thee to an autumn's day?
Electric chills racing down our arms
Cold fingers laced through my loose hair
Grasping closer to keep in the warmth, fighting to dissipate the air that cushions between us.

Shall I compare thee to a winter's day?
Tiny hairs shiver in anticipation
Biting sharp pangs shoot through to my bones
Eyes aching to penetrate, yours hidden in the icy black cave of dark irises.

Shall I compare thee to a spring's day?
Saturated and sensing a newfound change
Unpredictable vibrations growing larger
That cause the surge of rain, sprays of crystal beads over the settling hills and valleys.

Shall I compare thee to any day?
Bodies collapsed into one being
Rhythms ceasing to remain consistant
In our rush and lust to begin again, a summer's/autumn's/winter's/spring's day.